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Common Accidents and How to Avoid Them

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While some industries are considered high risk in terms of the possible injuries that people may suffer while going about their activities, the truth is that injury can find you anywhere. Making sure you know some safety measures can go a long way in keeping you safe from accidents and injuries. To add some information to your arsenal, here are a few common accidents, and how you can avoid them.

Distracted Driving

Driving while distracted had to be at the top of this list because it’s the most common cause of road accidents of different scales. Mistakes made by the driver are responsible for one-fourth of all the trucking accidents that occur, a worrisome number. It means that if drivers were to be more vigilant behind the wheel, they could reduce the number of traffic accidents by a notable degree. It’s easy enough to avoid this type of accident, as you need to focus fully on the road. That quick glance at your phone’s notification bar can cost you a distraction for which you may pay for the rest of your life, so just ignore it.

Be careful when cooking with fire! | Source: Pexels

Scalds and Burns

An unpleasant health risk, scalds and burns are extremely common injuries in many households. The risk increases if you have pets and small children in the vicinity. To avoid an unpleasant occurrence, make sure to place hot liquid far from the edge of any surface you use, and make sure that the surface itself is solid and stable. Also avoid placing hot liquids on runners on the table because these are within the reach of a child in most cases, and they can grab them intentionally or accidentally. Finally, practice caution when opening boiling pots because the escaping steam can scald you painfully.

Shocks and Electrical Injuries

Electrical injuries and shocks are at the more dangerous end of the spectrum, and with good reason. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has estimated that annually, approximately 4,000 injuries associated with electrical extension cords lead to visits to the emergency room. This is a large enough number to call for extra caution when dealing with electricity at any level, within the house especially. Always avoid getting electrical devices wet regardless of whether they are connected to a socket or not. All it takes is one slip and a major accident that could have been prevented occurs.

Lifting and Manual Handling

If you are in a job that requires a lot of handling and lifting, it’s important to use the right equipment for this. If that isn’t an option, then make sure to practice safe lifting techniques to make sure you don’t bring on health problems. Heavy objects can put a strain on your back over time, causing you to need treatment or medication for a long time. Lifting heavy objects the wrong way can also result in a fall, a lot more dangerous when the heavy object is involved. Make sure you follow safety protocols at all times when dealing with heavy objects.

Slips and Falls

This final health hazard is another common occurrence, especially around the home. With 22% of all slipping and falling incidents causing people to miss more than 31 days from work, this is an issue that cannot be ignored. Minimize your chances of this by wiping up spills as soon as they occur, and wearing the right footwear for different floor surfaces. Also, avoid running indoors and in other places with tiled or highly polished finishes, as this introduces risk.

Everyone has experienced at least one of the injuries outlined above, and so it’s common knowledge that it’s never fun. While a small incident may sometimes end up as a humorous situation, sometimes it doesn’t. It’s because of these serious ones that caution must always be taken.

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