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Giveaway: Celebrate National Lemonade Day by Helping RED ROBIN Support ALEX’S LEMONADE STAND…

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Support Alex's Lemonade StandOn Wednesday, August 20, RED ROBIN will celebrate National Lemonade Day by helping to give back in support of ALEX’S LEMONADE STAND (ALSF) in their efforts to raise awareness to finding cures for all childhood cancers. Friends of THE ROCK FATHER are encouraged to stop by their local participating Red Robin restaurant on the 20th, where the Red Robin crew will host lemonade stands to serve Freckled Lemonade samples to guests and collect donations to support ALSF. Those who donate $5 or more will be given a yellow bracelet as a token of appreciation. Now, to help get the word out, Red Robin has team-up with THE ROCK FATHER for a giveaway, where you’ll get a chance to score a $25 Red Robin Gift Card for helping us spread the word about Alex’s Lemonade Stand!

On August 18, a special url will be live on the Red Robin website for those of you who can’t make it out to a restaurant, but still wish to support ALSF!


Enter to Win a $25 Red Robin Gift Card :

Use the Rafflecopter Widget below (it will guide you), starting with the first (mandatory) entry method – Scroll down and Leave a comment that shares your answer to the following: 

QUESTION: Did you ever have a Lemonade Stand as a kid?

After that, you can complete social actions for additional, completely optional entries. Please Note: By entering giveaways on The Rock Father, you agree to comply with my fairness policy.


http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b00639fd207/” rel=”nofollow”>a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Fine Print: 

Promotion open to residents of the U.S. only, ages 18+, void where prohibited. Winner will be chosen on, about, or after September 8 2014, and will be notified via email to obtain their shipping address. If no response within 24 hours, an alternate winner will be chosen. Prizing and information provided by Red Robin, the sponsor of this post.

1980s-style Disclaimer: Many will enter, few will win! Please allow 8-12 weeks for delivery of prizing (seriously, probably not that long), The Rock Father is not responsible for any lost or misdirected packages. In the rare occasion that a prize does not arrive (which, sadly, has happened), you have no remedy other than moving on.

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