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Introducing goumikids! Learn their Story, and Enter for a Chance to Win a Newborn Starter Kit!

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I’m always intrigued by, and in some cases bummed that a lot of the new baby products weren’t around when I could actually use them for my own girls. Even in the jumps between the release of our first daughter in 2009 and the sequel in 2012, there was so much cool stuff that didn’t exist just three years prior, and here I sit with my youngest now two, and it’s really set-in that my days of having a “baby” in my life are over. But, for those of you that are just entering your parenting adventure (or perhaps starting a new chapter in it), goumikids is a new player on the scene – a Portland-based company founded by two Moms (Lili Yeo and Linsey Ebuen), longtime friends on a mission to improve the lives of not only those around them – but Global residents as well.

goumikids have designed smart, stay-on mittens, boots and now, hats, for babies. They feature soft, organic cotton, and they give back by putting a portion of their proceeds toward helping girls worldwide and to organizations that combat issues like trafficking. They call their program “goumigiving.” Check out the video below to see some of their products in action…


Introducing goumikids! from goumikids on Vimeo.


To celebrate the launch of goumikids, they’ve teamed with THE ROCK FATHER to get one lucky reader hooked-up with a Newborn Starter Set ($40 value) including a pair of goumimitts, a pair of goumiboots, and the all-new goumihat! Winner will be able to have their choice of the gender-neutral “Diamond Dots” (Cream) set, the “Leaves” (Pink) or “Sketch” (Blue).


Enter to win a Newborn Starter Set:

Use the Rafflecopter Widget below (it will guide you), starting with the first (mandatory) entry method – Scroll down and Leave a comment that shares your answer to the following: 

QUESTION: What is your favorite thing about Babies?

After that, you can complete social actions for additional, completely optional entries. Please Note: By entering giveaways on The Rock Father, you agree to comply with my fairness policy.


http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b00639196/” rel=”nofollow”>a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Fine Print: 

Promotion open to residents of the U.S. only, ages 18+, void where prohibited. Winner will be chosen on, about, or after July 28, 2014, and will be notified via email to obtain their shipping address. If no response within 24 hours, an alternate winner will be chosen. Prize provided by goumikids.

1980s-style Disclaimer: Many will enter, few will win! Please allow 8-12 weeks for delivery of prizing (seriously, probably not that long), The Rock Father is not responsible for any lost or misdirected packages. In the rare occasion that a prize does not arrive (which, sadly, has happened), you have no remedy other than moving on.

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