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Review – TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION Construct-Bots #TransformersToys


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TF4Wrapping-up my coverage of the new toys from TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION (until new Transformers arrive), comes a look at a pair of new sets from Hasbro’s Construct-Bots line. Similar in ideals to what LEGO does with their Bionicle line, we’ve reviewed Construct-Bots in the past, and what’s really cool here is that you can build your own TRANSFORMER, but they also transform, without having to do a full rebuild like you do with more traditional building sets like KRE-O. Here’s the sets we built here at Rock Father HQ…

TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION Construct-Bots Dinobot Riders Hound:

For being just an 18-piece, poly-bagged figure – Hound is a ton of fun. I like him. Addie likes him. Build him quick as a robot, then transform him into a cannon-toting military vehicle in just a couple of steps. Now, if only they could pack the voice of John Goodman into him…


TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION Construct-Bots Autobot Drift and Roughneck Dino:

Drift is a character that I’d wished we’d seen more of in the actual film. He’s a very Asian-inspired Bugatti, and here we find him packaged with a Dinobot called Roughneck. As with Hound, Drift can be built once, then flip from car to ‘bot – but his Dinobot companion serves another function, breaking apart and becoming some specialized armor.


Colorful. Powerful. Fun.

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