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Giveaway: Learn the Top 10 Snail Facts and Win TURBO on Blu-Ray!

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On November 12, DreamWorks Animation’s TURBO will speed onto Blu-Ray and DVD just in-time for the holidays. It’s a great gift idea (perfect stocking stuffer), and to celebrate the release, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment and The Rock Father are getting one lucky reader hooked up with a copy of the brand-new Blu-ray. But first, let’s start with some fun facts about snails…


The Top 10 Facts about Snails:

turbocoverTURBO tells the courageous story of a little snail with the big dreams of becoming a racecar. Despite the discouragement he receives from his peers, Turbo knows what he is capable of. With amazingly creative celebrity performances by Ryan Reynolds, Snoop Dog, Samuel L. Jackson and Maya Rudolph, the film races into stores on November 12, and to ramp-up to the film’s release, the folks at DreamWorks Animation have compiled a list of some fun snail facts so you can understand the ins and outs of Turbo and his gang!

1. Salt is a snail’s biggest enemy! In the film, Chet falls down the stadium and just barely makes it through the center of a pretzel! He was so relieved he didn’t touch it, because salt can kill a snail, so they have to be careful!


2. It would take a snail 2 hours to move from one side of a football field to the other. That’s 50 yards per hour. If you ran your fastest, it would only take about 20 seconds!

3. Some snails can be as big as 12 inches. Can you imagine a snail the size of a ruler?


4. Garden snails have thousands of teeth, located on their tongue!

5. Snails do not have ears, but they sure can smell! That is how they find their fruits and veggies to eat.


6. Snails can live to be up to 20 years old!

7. Snails are nocturnal, that means they sleep during the day and get their work done at night and in the morning. No wonder Turbo could stay up all night watching Racecar videos!


8. A garden snail can have as many as 430 baby snails in a year!

9. Garden snails hibernate in their shells during the winter, and some hibernate during the summer too.

10. When a snail moves, it leaves behind a trail of liquid slime. This mucus protects them from the hard surfaces underneath them. Snails are able to hang onto walls and move upside down thanks to this slime!

Pre-Order TURBO now from my affiliate, Walmart.com.

Ready to Enter? Use the Rafflecopter Widget below (it will guide you), starting with the first (mandatory) entry method – Leave a comment: What’s your favorite movie about cars, racing, or speed? After that, you can complete additional social actions for additional entries. PLEASE NOTE: Due to a large amount of fraudulent and/or fake “Egg” accounts on twitter, following certain users on twitter (including @therockfather) has been removed from the acceptable entry methods indefinitely.


http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b00639113/” rel=”nofollow”>a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Fine Print: Promotion open to residents of the U.S. only, ages 18+, void where prohibited. Winner will be chosen at random on, about, or after November 22, 2013, and will be notified via email to obtain their shipping address. If no response within 24 hours, an alternate winner will be chosen. Shipping address must be a street address – no P.O. Boxes. Prize provided by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment and shipped by Think Jam. Twitter Users: Sorry, no Eggs, please – real users only. You may only enter giveaway promotions on The Rock Father using genuine accounts, and only one per platform. Good Luck!

1980s-style Disclaimer: Many will enter, few will win! Please allow 8-12 weeks for delivery of prizing, The Rock Father is not responsible for shipping.

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