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Hands-on with THE GRILL SERGEANT: A Camo Grilling Apron that Holds a Six Pack.

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When the UPS man arrives here at Rock Father HQ each day (“Package Man,” as the girls call him), I sometimes receive some… shall we say, “interesting” things. Once in awhile, said items are oddly practical, and pretty on-the-mark for my personal tastes (or lack thereof). One of the latest oddities novelties to arrive is THE GRILL SERGEANT Grilling Apron from Big Mouth Inc. Yes, I have a well-documented Camo appreciation, and I also like G.I. JOE quite a bit. Perhaps it’s because I feel like “A Real American Hero” of the grill… or maybe I’m sort of amused by the weird looks that the kids next door give me when I’m wearing it, but I dig this thing.

The Grill Sergeant

Holding a complete six-pack in a bandolier-style (in this case, a mix of Diet Mountain Dew and Coke Zero – because PepsiCo and the Coca-Cola Company just love when I mix-and-match enemy brands), all your grilling utensils, condiments and more, there’s even an on-board bottle opener, which is super handy when I bust out a bottle of IRON MAIDEN Trooper Beer by Robinson’s Brewery (note the pocket on the lower left) for a little mid-grilling treat.


https://instagram.com/p/4FtFyCR-sO/” style=” color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;” target=”_top”>Grilling another @homeruninn pizzas while sipping an @ironmaiden #TrooperBeer imported from @robinsonsbrewery in the UK. #RockFatherHQ is s good place to be tonight. #IronMaiden #Trooper #Beer #Summer #Pizza #olloclip

A photo posted by James Zahn (@therockfather) on


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