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How Weather Can Affect the Crops We Eat


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The accessibility of food to eat is something that determines where people live, how large a population can grow, and other relevant factors. It is important to understand how the growth of those foods can be impacted by extreme weather events. NOAA’s Severe Storms database showed a total of 3,763 major hailstorms in 2021, and that is just one form of extreme weather that can impact how food crops are grown. Let’s take a closer look at this topic.

The Impacts of Weather are Felt Worldwide

There is no escaping from the reality that weather disasters can cause food crops anywhere in the world to experience failures. When those failures are bad enough, it can get to a point where an entire country is unable to feed its own people. This unforeseen circumstance has happened from time to time in world history, and the results can start to look very ugly for an entire population of people, which is why it is so important to be focused on weather and food growth.

In the past few years, we have seen historic heatwaves, mudslides, floods, and other weather events that are beyond anything that most of us have seen in our lifetimes before. It has been both dangerous and disturbing for anyone who has watched these events unfold, or for anyone who has been directly impacted by them. In either scenario, things can get very tricky for people in a hurry.

A wheat field | Source: Pixabay

Food Crops Have a Lot to Contend With

Weather events are one thing that can cause the growth of new crops to get very dicey, but it goes beyond just that. There are other things to be worried about as well. For example, food crops have to compete with more than 30,000 species of weeds, 3,000 species of nematodes, and more than 10,000 species of plant-eating insects. The fact that our food crops are able to keep up with all of that in the first place is a modern miracle all by itself.

When you add this on top of the fact that the crops are already trying to do what they can to stay ahead of climate change, it starts to become obvious that we must do what we can to preserve the life of these plants to the best of our ability. There is no getting around the fact that we need food crops to help sustain our society, and it is not going to be easy to pull this off if we don’t understand just how much these plants are up against.

Think about where your food comes from and all that goes into making that a reality. If you want to nurture the planet and work on getting great foods into your body, you must spend some time thinking about how much effort farmers and others put into delivering amazing foods to your dinner table.

No Let Up Is Expected

There is no let up anticipated when it comes to the way that weather will impact food crops. It is likely to be the case that these crops will continue to suffer under the relentless impacts of climate change on the planet all around us. Thus, people should expect that they will have to pay more money than they did before when they go to the grocery store to buy food.

The reduced supply of crops means that some places simply won’t be able to get their hands on the types of food that they used to enjoy without a second thought. That is simply a reality of the world that we live in today. It is only when we understand that this is the case that we can truly take some steps in the right direction toward preserving and protecting the crops that are available to us. Make sure you consider this when you think about what the future holds for the crops in our world.

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Edward Stratton III
Edward Stratton IIIhttps://www.therockfather.com
Contributor, The Rock Father Magazine. Interests include business and lifestyle, music, and more. Model railroad enthusiast.

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