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Know the Dangers of the Road: Common Causes of Auto Accidents


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While on the road, it’s important to take all measures to ensure your safety and that of other road users. Accidents often happen in a flash, and so the best approach is to do everything you can to try to avoid getting into one. The common causes of auto accidents listed below should help you understand the potential dangers of the road and, therefore, aid you in avoiding them.

Not Servicing Your Car Often

Your car’s condition will affect the way it works, so it’s important to make sure that you service your car regularly and ensure that it’s functioning optimally. Don’t pass the manufacturer’s recommended mileage or time limit because doing this may cause issues that will get worse as time goes on, costing you more money to fix and posing a risk to your safety. Make sure that your car is not among the roughly 77% of cars that were found to be in need of repairs or maintenance in a recent survey from Visually.

Reckless Driving

As a driver, it’s important to make sure that you drive as carefully as possible, considering the safety of other road users as well as yourself. Drive at the speed limit or as slow as you’re comfortable driving to avoid the chance of getting into an accident. This is important because you will be able to keep control of your car and react to any potentially dangerous situations as they unfold. Also, make sure to leave a reasonable distance between yourself and the person driving in front of you. This will help you respond well if they should break or lose control of their own car.

Mechanical Issues

Mechanical issues are another reason vehicles can get involved in an accident. If your car has mechanical issues like brake or engine problems, it may be hard to control as it will respond in ways you don’t expect. With the average car having around 30,000 different parts, it’s easy for any one of them to either jam, get damaged, or wear out. This makes it crucial to be aware of how your car is running at all times, to check any unusual sounds you hear, and to head to your mechanic if they persist. This way, you will be safe from an auto accident caused by a mechanical issue that would have been easy to fix.

Intoxicated and Distracted Driving

The condition of the vehicle may not always be to blame for an accident, as the driver has a role to play in keeping the car in control. Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs is another major cause of car accidents on the roads, due to the mental state of an intoxicated driver they judge distances poorly and respond slower. To make sure you have minimal chances of causing an accident that could be fatal for you or for others on the road, it’s a good idea to always get a designated driver whenever you’re planning on going to a party that potentially has alcohol, or using a ride-hailing app.

Poor Visibility

Another major cause of road accidents is poor visibility on the roads. If your car has no tail lights, it places you at risk of being hit by other drivers who won’t be able to see you, especially in bad weather. About 5.9 million commercial motor vehicle drivers are currently operating in the United States, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. If you drive one, it’s important to make sure that you have all the right signal lights and more. It’s also good to ensure that the windshield is clean and clear at all times so that you can see the road as well as possible.

The several causes of car accidents outlined above are things that any driver should strive to ensure that they avoid. Failing to do this, may end up in injury or expensive repairs. It is best to keep these causes in mind every time you drive so that you can keep yourself and others safe on the road.

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