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National Bubble Week: Ushering in Spring with Gazillion Bubbles (plus a chance to win a Monsoon Machine)!


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gazillionIt’s National Bubble Week (officially March 8-14 this year), and to celebrate the coming of Spring, it’s time to throw down a few words about bubbles… specifically, Gazillion Bubbles. Is there a better bubble solution out there? I know from buying bubbles for the girls (by the gallon, it would seem) that Gazillion Bubbles are always the biggest hit, and that’s evident by the distinctive bottles that end up being plopped in front of me with a request to “buy more?” Now in it’s 15th year, National Bubble Week invites families to signal the end of winter by stocking up on all the required supplies to get those beautiful spheres floating through the neighborhood. This year, I’ll help make it even better by teaming up with the folks at Funrise Toys to get one of you hooked-up with the new Gazillion Bubble Monsoon Machine, right here on THE ROCK FATHER! Ready for some bubble fun?

While Gazillion Bubbles solution makes “the biggest, brightest and most colorful bubbles around,” there’s some cool bubble toys available this year as well. Check these out:

Gazillion Bubble Monsoon — create a skyward storm of bubbles instantly! Simply replace the cap on the bottle of bubble solution with the auto-feed cap (included), attach the solution bottle to the machine, press the button and watch in amazement as the sky fills with bubbles!


Gazillion Bubbles Tornado — This machine may be small, but once you pour in Gazillion Bubbles solution, you’ll instantly see an endless flurry of bubbles with the Gazillion Bubbles Tornado!

Bubble Car

Gazillion Bubbles Bump-N-Go Bubble Car – Fuel the car with Gazillion Bubbles solution, turn the car on and watch as it drives around, blowing bubbles on the go! Don’t worry if it bumps into something, it will change direction and keep moving while a trail of bubbles follows in its path!

So would you like to win a Gazillion Bubble Monsoon Machine?

Win This!

Enter to Win this Happy Easter Hot Wheels Six-Pack:

Use the Rafflecopter Widget below (it will guide you), starting with the first (mandatory) entry method – Leave a Disqus comment on this post that shares your answer to the following: 

QUESTION: What do you like best about Spring?

After that, you can complete social actions for additional, completely optional entries. Please Note: By entering giveaways on The Rock Father, you agree to comply with my fairness policy.


http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b00639fd288/” rel=”nofollow” data-raflid=”b00639fd288″ data-theme=”classic” data-template=”” id=”rcwidget_l6mctnrd”>a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Fine Print: 

Promotion open to residents of the U.S. only, ages 18+, void where prohibited. Winner will be chosen on, about, or after March 19, 2015, and will be notified via email to obtain their shipping address. If no response within 24 hours, an alternate winner will be chosen. Prizing provided and shipped by Funrise Toys.

1980s-style Disclaimer: Many will enter, few will win! Please allow 8-12 weeks for delivery of prizing (seriously, probably not that long), The Rock Father is not responsible for any lost or misdirected packages. In the rare occasion that a prize does not arrive (which, sadly, has happened), you have no remedy other than moving on.

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