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Have you cleaned your grill this season? Regular maintenance is important for ensuring the performance and longevity of your grill. By properly maintaining your outdoor cooking appliance, you can prevent rust, extend its lifespan, and ensure it...
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OTEP – “Hydra” (Album Review)

In one of my past lives as a music writer, I might've spent a great deal of time breaking down the sonic content of...

Children’s GRAMMY Nominee Family Concert coming to The Mint in Los Angeles…

For my friends and readers in Los Angeles, you have an opportunity to catch all five 2013 GRAMMY Nominees in the Children's category as...

Retro Baby? Go Totally 80’s with NEW WAVE LULLABIES…

We're in one of those periods when the 1980's is making a comeback. There's a new DIE HARD movie coming out next month, ROBOCOP...

LEGO Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out comes to DVD this Spring…

LEGO and STAR WARS have been a match of legendary proportions. A "peanut butter and chocolate" marriage of pop culture icons, you could say....

A Valentine’s Day Gift Guide inspired by MADLY MADAGASCAR! (Giveaway)

With Valentine's Day fast-approaching, the heart-shaped decorations will soon be brought in from the garage, and we'll no doubt be doing up some Valentine's...

Deal: Pre-Order select XBOX 360 Games, get 1600 XBOX LIVE Points FREE!

It's no secret that when it comes to gaming, my loyalty lies with the XBOX. It's the system of choice here at Rock Father...