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Protecting Your Family Online with ESET Smart Security 6 #ESETprotects

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I’m currently living in the calm before a technological storm. Those who know me well (or read this site regularly) know that I’m critical about the over-connectivity that modern kids have, a plethora of “devices” and “screens” lurking in every corner. I’m big on imaginative play – in keeping the youngest of kids away from the tech and apps as much as possible (it’s all about careful moderation), and while my girls aren’t yet old enough to truly understand what a computer does and could be used for, I know that eventually a technological terror will be on my hands. With that in mind… and seeing so many of the neighborhood parents dealing with kids and devices, I like to stay ahead of things and stay mindful of the future. That means making sure that the family will be safe online, and ESET Smart Security 6 is one of the tools in my digital arsenal.

ESET Smart Security 6

ptpaA PTPA Winner (that’s Parent Tested, Parent Approved), ESET Smart Security 6 offers a full suite of tools for keeping your devices safe. While Rock Father HQ is run on several machines, ESET Smart Security 6 is an important feature of my laptop (for reasons I’ll address in a future post), but for families the starting point is PARENTAL CONTROLS and ANTI-PHISHING Measures.

ESET PARENTAL CONTROLS: You want to know what your kids are doing online? Done. ESET can create a log of questionable sites that your kids are visiting so that YOU can have a proper talk with them. Password Protection, custom web filtering, and more are all available right out-of-the-box.

esetacANTI-PHISHING: We’ve all seen it, and many of us have already fallen victim… the spoof page or social scam that lures you in and before you know it YOU appear to be sending out all kinds of undesirable materials via email and status updates. Last Fall, one of my neighbors got the ol’ Facebook phishing thing going on… on a shared laptop that his tween/teen daughters use. Within a few hours of one mistake, the entire family was dishing out spam. Or at least it looked like it was them. ESET’s Anti-Phising Measures can help ensure that sensitive information like usernames and passwords don’t fall into sinister hands.

While these are just two important details, ESET offers full Cybersecurity Training, and their Top Five Tips for Keeping Children Safe Online. Couple this training with the award-winning Anti-virus and Firewall functions, and ESET is a great suite at a reasonable price… and for a limited-time, my readers can save 15% Off using code PTPA.

Stay Tuned for more Online Safety Tips from ESET, and for a chance to win some great prizes down the line…

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