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THE GREATEST CHRISTMAS EVER – A FREE E-Book from 2 Dads Publishing


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There’s plenty of reasons why you should check out THE GREATEST CHRISTMAS EVER, the new children’s book from author Sergio Liden and illustrator Francesco Orazzini. We’ll start with the simple facts that it’s bothgood and FREE, but this new holiday tale is also timely, and is being provided to you and your family with the hope that you’ll be able to donate a small amount to the National Coalition for the Homeless. Originally intended to be published for the 2011 holidays with a portion of proceeds set aside for the charity, 2 DADS PUBLISHING (Liden along with Zachary Zemby) switched gears to make the book available to as many people as possible, and here’s why – in their own words:

Millions of people can benefit from the message of “The Greatest Christmas Ever.” We are giving the book away for free so families from all around the globe can benefit from the message of the story. It would be impossible to print the number of copies needed to fill the void left by recent financial struggles. Children in every country are being affected by the crisis, and all parents have been given the difficult task of explaining why there is less or nothing at all under the Christmas tree this year. This book will explain it.

With the advent of technology we can make “The Greatest Christmas Ever” available to everyone “with the click of a button.”

As “dads” it is our duty, to assist everyone around the globe have the greatest Christmas ever.

Until I happened upon a posting from my friend Chelsea on my Facebook feed this morning, I wasn’t familiar with the book, nor the “2 Dads” behind it – but seeing it made my day, and I’m fairly confident that it will yours as well.

THE GREATEST CHRISTMAS EVER is a reflection of our current state of existence – one in which so many families are forced to do without, often finding themselves in drastically different places than they were just one year prior. It focuses on what’s really important – not the mad-dash to the mall on Black Friday, or the unnecessary obligation to load up on gifts for those that don’t seem to matter on the other 364 days of the year. THE GREATEST CHRISTMAS EVER focuses on family.

With that, the book can speak for itself far better than any further words from me here. Visithttp://www.thegreatestchristmasever.com/ to grab a copy (for FREE), and if you like it – please share it as I did. You can learn more about the creators, while finding all the information you need to help make a difference. If you’re not moved even a little bit as you scroll through the pages, I can only assume that you have a piece of coal where your heart should be. Like The Grinch.

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