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Through the Eyes of a Child: Pictures taken with a Fisher-Price Camera…


This article is more than 12 years old and may not have been updated since our last site redesign. It may contain outdated information or could be missing images.

When I was a kid, my parents got me a Fisher-Price Camera that was manufactured by Kodak and took real 110 film. I remember that camera being built really well, with a protective coating and rubber corner bumpers to protect it from the inevitable drops to the floor it would receive over the years. In 1984, it was a big deal to take pictures, have to take the film to get developed, and then wait a week or more to see the results. Fast-forward nearly 30 years, and my daughter now has her own Fisher-Price camera, albeit a digital device that allows unlimited photo-taking with instant results.

Addie snapping pictures...About a year ago, Addie received the Fisher-Price Kid-Tough Digital Camera as a gift.  Since that time, she’s been snapping pictures regularly, often deleting some on her own (“to take more!” she says) along the way. Over the weekend, the camera needed a battery change, and after swapping the power, I decided to dump the camera’s internal memory onto my computer. There were over 800 photos on there, and as I went through them I couldn’t help but be captivated. They were a fascinating look at what my little girl sees on a daily basis.

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Within one afternoon after dumping the memory, Addie had already taken 74 more pictures. I was looking forward to checking them out until I heard a series of beeps coming from the next room. “You don’t have to delete those,” we told her. “But I want to take more,” she said…

As for the camera that I had as a child? While it’s long-gone, I found this vintage commercial on YouTube:
Check out a full gallery of photos taken by my 3-year-old daughter on The Rock Father Facebook Page. Click here to view!

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