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What is a “Compassionate Meal?” Harley Quinn & Kevin Smith Explain…

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I have always been an unapologetic meat-eater. I’ve heard all sides of the debate for and against, and I choose to remain carnivorous in nature. What many don’t realize is that I’m the only true meat eater in our house. The Rock Daughters™ have never eaten beef, fish or pork. The exception is poultry (chicken/turkey), but the girls have never had a bite of the others, and it’s because they’ve followed my wife. Similarly, filmmaker Kevin Smith has a daughter, Harley Quinn, who has also followed her mother’s path – but to the full-blown vegan side of things. The folks at Farm Sanctuary sent over a video that features the duo discussing #CompassionateMeals, and I feel it’s worth sharing. If anything, it is food for thought…

Curious to learn more about the movement? Check out http://www.compassionatemeals.com/kevin

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