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You Oughta Know… ALANIS MORISSETTE lullaby collection on the way…

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ALANIS MORISSETTE is one of my wife’s favorite artists. Years ago, I even took her to see the former YOU CAN’T DO THAT ON TELEVISION! actress and DOGMA God live in concert… a gesture of possible reciprication for the MR. BUNGLE concert I once brought her along for. All this said, she was pretty happy when I informed her that the folks at Roma Music Group are releasing LULLABY VERSIONS OF ALANIS MORISSETTE under their popular Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star line. This new collection is up for pre-order on iTunes right now, and is set to bring a dozen of Morissette’s biggest hits to your baby’s nursery on June 11, 2013. Get a preview of “Ironic” along with the whole tracklisting below.


alanislullabyLullaby Versions of Alanis Morissette Tracklisting:
1. Ironic
2. You Oughta Know
3. Head Over Feet
4. You Learn
5. Thank You
6. Guardian
7. Not as We
8. Utopia
9. Uninvited
10. Hand in My Pocket
11. Everything
12. Hands Clean

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What do you think? Will your little one(s) be listening to the lullabied Alanis jams come June 11?

Learn more about Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star and what they do at http://www.ttlrs.com

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