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14 Years Ago… 4 Years Ago… The Day I Became “The Rock Father”


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August 7 is a date of great significance. Fourteen years ago today… August 7, 1999, my wife and I were married. It was just two years prior that we’d gone on our first date – and a mere three months after that when we’d become engaged. I’d always heard that time speeds up as you get older, but as I sit here as a 36-year-old in 2013 thinking back to that 22-year-old living in ’99, I can’t help but think about how much time has really flown by. While fourteen years have come-and-gone, it’s the last four that have gone exceptionally fast. On August 7, 2009… our 10th Wedding Anniversary, I became “The Rock Father” when our first daughter was born. Today, our Little Addie turns four!

The Happy Couple in 1999The events that have transpired over the past 14 years have been a rollercoaster – a few book’s worth of achievements and failures both personal and professional – but none more rewarding than the journey that began when we became parents for the first time. I still can’t believe it’s been four years already… or that we liked it so much that we went back for a second round.

While in retrospect I wish that I’d started this site right when Addie was born, I think the time has come to make up for not becoming a “Dad Blogger” right out-of-the-gate… and share with you my first-ever diaper change:

The Rock Father changes a diaper for the very first time (2009)

I never really expected to become a Father, but as I’ve said before, becoming an at-home Dad is the best job I’ve ever had. 14 years ago we were two… 4 years ago, 3… and now we’re a complete family of four and the kids are already growing up. 

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It’s just after 1am as I type this, and I’ve just finished wrapping a few gifts for the munchkin. Later today, I’ll be taking Addie to the movies for the first-time-ever, and then we’ll have some family time with presents and cake (I picked up a Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Cake last night). It’ll be a low-key celebration with the four of us, but this Saturday we’ll be having a proper party. It’s a special one this year (HELLO KITTY is the theme), and I’ll be blogging that, too. A Birthday Party/Annual Summer Gathering, let’s just say that The Rock Father has some tricks up his sleeve that should bring out a lot of smiles for the neighborhood kids this weekend.

The Zahn Family - 2013Smiles like my family gives me.

Happy Birthday. Happy Anniversary.

For more rock delivered daily, including the latest in great music, cool toys, and fun for the whole family – “like” The Rock Father on Facebook.


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