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Author: James Zahn

Nintendo & the Institute of Play are Bringing Nintendo Labo into Classrooms

Nintendo Labo is the innovation that just keeps on giving. After a surprise debut this spring was followed by new ways to play some...

31 Days of Halloween: The Rock Father’s 2018 HALLOWEEN ULTIMATE PLAYLIST!

If you're looking for a Halloween Playlist, then you've come to the right place. The right mix of tunes for your Halloween party or...

31 Days of Halloween: Danny Weinkauf – “Pumpkins Are My Favorite Fruit”

On November 2, Danny Weinkauf is back with his Red Pants Band to deliver a fourth album of family-friendly jams when Inside I Shine...

A Special Look at Disney’s Mary Poppins Returns…

This December, a familiar nanny will be back on the big screen in an all-new adventure from the folks at Walt Disney Studios. Tonight...

Ridiculous Questions: Jimmy Kimmel x Wu-Tang Clan Mix it Up over CÎROC Cocktails (Recipes Included)

Last week, Jimmy Kimmel returned to his hometown of Brooklyn for another string of shows. While there, the mighty Wu-Tang Clan showed up to celebrate...

31 Days of Halloween: ZOMBIES ‘R’ US – You Can Visit a Haunted Toys ‘R’ Us in NYC…

For years, tales of haunted toy stores have spread as urban legends, like the fabled Toys "R" Us in Sunnyvale, California - one said...

Ozzfest Returns for One-Night-Only… New Year’s Eve

What are you doing on New Year's Eve? Well, if you're near Los Angeles and enjoy the metal, I'd suggest getting tickets to see...

Transformers Go Micro-Collectible with the BotBots!

Over the years, Hasbro's Transformers have appeared in other forms well beyond the typical realm of vehicles and beasts. Almost since the beginning, we've...

Have You Ever Dreamed of Doing a Toy Run through a Store?

Back in the day, there was a fantasy that many kids had, and it was in large part due to Nickelodeon putting the bug...

Covered: VERSUS ME x TEARS FOR FEARS – “Shout”

Tears for Fears has a timeless catalog that's long been a favorite for covers and reimaginings, and this week "Shout" has received a new...

Blain’s Farm & Fleet Toyland Tradition Grows for 2018…

The holiday shopping season is officially upon us, and as promised, the #ToyWars are in full-effect with retailers stepping up to serve families who...

The Dimebag Darrell CFH Collection for AmpliTube Brings Classic PANTERA Guitar Tones Home…

If you're a guitarist that's into the heavy stuff, odds are you hold a lot of respect for the late Dimebag Darrell Abbott. His...

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