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Think Warm: Char-Broil Launches a Modular Outdoor Kitchen Collection…

As I type these words, we're in the middle of the biggest snow of the season here in Northern Illinois - another 6" having...

Review: My Fairy Garden: Real Indoor Gardens for Toy Fairies…

We've been fans of Playmonster's My Fairy Garden collection since we first discovered them a year or so ago. Having placed a fairy garden...

Buyer’s Remorse: Samsung Activewash Washer & Dryer

Writing about consumer products is a large part of what I do here at THE ROCK FATHER™ Magazine. My opinions are always 100% honest...

Review: The Backyard Discovery Barn-Style Ready Shed

When we bought our home seven years ago, the property came with a shed. It was cumbersome, improperly installed, and just plain yucky. Eventually,...

When the Idiots Win: RESCUE! Pulls TrapStik Wasp Traps from the Shelves…

Blame Canada. At least in this instance, the title of the Oscar-winning 1999 song from the South Park motion picture might ring true, if...

Is Your Dog a Disney or Marvel Fan? Do they like Spider-Man?

Last year at Blogger Bash in New York City, I got an early look at Sentiments' first Disney Pets Collection - a series of...

Review: The Step2 StoneFront Patio Collection Cooler & Storage (Made in USA)

When you think of Step2, chances are you immediately think of play kitchens, outdoor play houses, swing sets and that type of stuff. What...

Gardening: Meet Tertill: The Solar-Powered Weeding Robot

I tend to be notoriously hesitant when it comes to crowdfunding efforts*, but once in awhile something hits my radar that I'll share here...

Getting DIYZ: Replacing Rotten Deck Boards

The Rock Father™ has collaborated with the DIYZ® app and Life of Dad for this Home Improvement feature. All tools and materials have been...

Lawn Goals: Making a Yard More than Just a “Lawn”

This feature is presented in collaboration between The Rock Father™, Cub Cadet and Life of Dad. Over the past week or so, I’ve largely neglected...

Ceremonial Placement of The Garden Jawa 2017

It's become a tradition, one that first began in the summer of 2010 when we moved into what would become "Rock Father HQ." The...

Protecting Outdoor Cords & Plugs with Twist and Seal (Made in the USA)

Twist and Seal first hit my radar a few years back when their first weather-resistant cord protector started popping up at retailers around the...

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