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For the Home

Made in America: From the Garage to the Playroom – Tub O’ Towels are a Parents Must-have!

This Tub O' Towels special feature is presented in collaboration with Federal Process Corporation... It's a rare occasion that it actually happens, but once in...

8 Features You Need to Remember When You’re Building a House For the First Time

Wow, building a house takes a lot of work, huh? There are so many plans, people, permits, and who knows what else involved in...

4 Incredibly Valuable, and Quite Possible, Storage Unit Finds

Everyone dreams of striking oil in their backyard, unearthing priceless artifacts buried underneath their home, or finding a treasure chest full of loot while...

The Experiential World of Whirlpool Opens to the Public in Chicago

With changing habits and interests, we've been hearing a lot about how retail is moving toward being "experiential." This is also leading many brands...

Homebuyers Assemble! If The Avengers are Always Battling in Your Neighborhood, You May Want to Move…

I never really thought about it until this morning, but if I were living in a neighborhood that was constantly being destroyed due to...

Joanna Gaines brings Magnolia Home Paint to Ace Hardware…

Spring is a great time to think about painting projects, and for those who might be fans of Joanna Gaines' Magnolia Home line, now...

The Burton Bulb Brings a New Twist to Neo-Vintage LED Lighting…

It's cold here in Northern Illinois, and as a fresh couple inches of snow covers the ground today following a near-60° warm-up just days...

Building Community with the Neighborhood Sharing Library from Simplay3

My wife and I have been intrigued by the idea of a neighborhood library for awhile - an interest piqued by the growing Little...

Review: Deck the Home A CHRISTMAS STORY Outdoor Laser Light Projector

Updated to "Do Not Buy" Status: Our projector has malfunctioned after just three weeks of normal use. While we are awaiting a resolution (if...

A Small Bathroom Remodel – Part I: Preparation

They say that one thing leads to another... and in the case of our home, that's absolutely correct. The entire #RockFatherRemodel Project was spawned...

The Better Homes & Gardens 2016 Color Palette of the Year…

As we continue the #RockFatherRemodel project here at Rock Father HQ, many gallons of paint have been used, and color has been taken into...

Introducing The “Rock Father Remodel” Project…

It was nearly six years ago that we moved into the house that would become our home - the home that would become known...

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