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Rock Father: Unleashed

Baseball. My Grandpa. And My First Ballgame with the Girls… #BigLeagueDads in Chicago…

Back in April, as both the Chicago Cubs and Chicago White Sox got their seasons underway, I blogged about baseball here on The Rock Father. In...

Chicago Dad Bloggers at Wrigley Field…

To say that baseball was a big part of my life growing up would be understating reality. Tee-Ball and Little League in South Suburban...

Cracker Barrel Restaurants and the Big Tobacco Villain…

Updated and Added to Greatest Hits, 8/10/14 Last night, I took my family to dinner at the local Cracker Barrel Old County Store and Restaurant....

Review: Disney On Ice celebrates 100 Years of Magic at United Center in Chicago

I am a Feld Family Ambassador, and this post is brought to you as part of that relationship. All opinions are my own. Disney On...

Back to School: The First Days of Pre-K…

This week, Addie started Pre-K. It was our first official "Back-to-School" season, following her run in "Twos and Threes" and "Threes and Fours" programs...

Back to School: Keeping Kids Healthy in the Last Days of Summer… #healthykids

With this being our first official "Back-to-School" season, keeping the little ones healthy and ready to rock is important. While my four-year-old will begin...

Summer Fun: Visiting the Doc McStuffins Doc Mobile at Chicago’s Navy Pier…

Disney Junior has a massive hit on it's hands with DOC McSTUFFINS, and let me emphasize the word MASSIVE. If the ratings and recent...

Addie’s 4th Birthday: Hello Kitty, Good Friends, and Pretty Ponies…

If you caught my blog entry for August 7th, you already know that 8/7 is a date that holds massive significance for our family....

An Octo-Afternoon Out with THE OCTONAUTS (The Good, The Bad, and The Silly)

If you have preschoolers in your house, there's a pretty good chance that Disney Junior is a part of your viewing routine. In addition...

Everybody Get Dangerous: WEEZER, Kids, and Rock…

What will we say when our kids come to usAnd ask, with a smile on their face,"Hey Dad, my friend's got some new ninja...

14 Years Ago… 4 Years Ago… The Day I Became “The Rock Father”

August 7 is a date of great significance. Fourteen years ago today... August 7, 1999, my wife and I were married. It was just...

A Dog Park in the Name of My Friends…

I don't know how many of you know about this since it all happened prior to my starting The Rock Father, but on February...

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