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Family Music

Valentine’s Day Rock? Heart Beats: Feel Good Songs for Families…

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, the season of love and friendship will soon be here, and this year it's got a brand-new...

Watch & Listen: THE NOT-ITS! “Dance With Me”

Seattle's THE NOT-ITS! have long-been one of our favorite kindie rock bands here at Rock Father HQ, and as part of The Kindiependent Collective...

DEEP FRIED PICKLE PROJECT invites you to “Tatooine”

As STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS continues to thrill audiences around the Globe, there has been yet another awakening... this time in the family...

31 Days of Halloween: The Laurie Berkner Band – “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”

I do not like spiders. No matter what their place in the ecosystem, I do not like them, particularly in our house. Oddly enough,...


I always get asked about music for a Halloween Playlist, and while there's a lot of variables in the mix, I always like to...

31 Days of Halloween: RALPH’S WORLD – “Harry’s Haunted Halloween Circus” (plus “Sawdust & Spangles”)

I'm always on the lookout for new family music with a seasonal spin, but once in awhile, it's true that what's old is new...

PBS KIDS ROCKS! is Back with a 28-Track Family Music Collection…

Three years ago, PBS KIDS ROCKS! was released as a 15-track collection of tunes for the whole family. Now, PBS KIDS ROCKS! has been...

Kindie Metal: SHARKY SHARKY – “Jake the Jellyfish”

I've covered a ton of family music here on THE ROCK FATHER Magazine over the past few years, and in all of its various...

31 Days of Halloween: RENEE & FRIENDS – “I Am Not Afraid” (feat. CASPAR BABYPANTS)

One of this year's most unexpected Halloween songs comes from RENEE & FRIENDS' SIMPATICO - a collaborative album that finds Renee Stahl (RENEE &...

31 Days of Halloween: Covered – GHOSTBUSTERS by ANDREW & POLLY

Right now, Paul Feig is creating an all-new GHOSTBUSTERS movie - one with Leslie Jones, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig and Kate McKinnon (all pictured up-top)...

31 Days of Halloween: Poochamungas – “Bah Humbug Halloween” (The Music Video)

This is probably the first time this has ever happened - a past entry into 31 Days of Halloween returning three years later in...

Amazon Enters the Kindie Realm with Exclusive Family Music from THE POP UPS and LISA LOEB…

After being a destination for the purchase of great family music for years, Amazon has officially entered into the Kindie realm with exclusive new...

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