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Force Friday Countdown: The 1985 Kenner STAR WARS Yak Face Action Figure – 19 Days to Go


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There was a time in the 1990s when STAR WARS wasn’t really a big deal, and in a lot of ways it felt off-the-radar. As Kenner began releasing new, buffed-up STAR WARS figures in 1995, renewed attention was put on the vintage line – in a time where the internet wasn’t quite there yet when it came to hunting things down. Certain figures were legendary – some based on characters that many didn’t even realize were in the films at all – and one of those was Yak Face. This Joe Camel-looking fellow was seen briefly in 1983’s RETURN OF THE JEDI, most notably on the ill-fated Sail Barge belonging to Jabba the Hutt. Two years later, this character was released as one of the last figures in THE POWER OF THE FORCE line. The 1985 Kenner STAR WARS Power of the Force Yak Face figure is today’s entry into Hasbro’s Force Friday Countdown Calendar as we move toward #ForceFriday on September 4th, the day when new toys from J.J. Abrams’ STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS will be available at retailers everywhere! 

Keep your browser pointed toward THE ROCK FATHER as we continue the #ForceFridayCountdown en route to #ForceFriday, the day that new Hasbro toys for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS arrive at retail! 19 Days to Go!

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