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Giveaway: Win the Award-Winning Documentary UNACCEPTABLE LEVELS on DVD!

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As a parent, I’m always cautious as to what environmental hazards my children are exposed to, and a lot of times, there’s danger lurking right here at home. Harmful chemicals can be hard to avoid, and first-time filmmaker Ed Brown explores this in his acclaimed film, UNACCEPTABLE LEVELS, which arrives in wide-release on DVD, June 10th (pre-order now). To celebrate the release, THE ROCK FATHER is teaming up with The Disinformation Company to offer a chance for two (2) lucky readers to win copies of this important film on DVD, and you can also check out Ed Brown’s “Five Tips to Avoid Chemicals” below…


Over 80,000 chemicals flow through our system of commerce, and many go straight into our bodies. Due to this unrelenting exposure, we have approximately 200 synthetic industrial chemicals interacting with our cells every single day. And, until recently, modern science didn’t quite understand what that meant for us in the long run, but now, that’s changing…


71mcOWOAydL. SL1081 UNACCEPTABLE LEVELS, an acclaimed, award-winner at the Yosemite, Filmambiente and Fife International Film Festivals, examines the results of the chemical revolution of the 1940s through the eyes of first-time filmmaker Ed Brown, a father seeking to understand the world in which he and his wife are raising their children.

To create this documentary, one man (Brown) and his camera traveled extensively to interview top minds in the fields of science, advocacy, and law, including influential author and gadfly Ralph Nader; Dr. Devra Lee Davis, Founder of The Environmental Health Trust; Andy Igrejas, Director of Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families; and Dr. Jennifer Sass, Senior Scientist with Natural Resources Defense Council, among many others. Weaving their eye-opening testimonies into a compelling – and sometimes frightening – narrative, Brown unspools the story of how the chemical revolution brought us to where we are, and to where, if we’re not vigilant, it may take us.

Posing challenges to our companies, our government, and our society to do something about a nearly-unseen threat, UNACCEPTABLE LEVELS opens the door to conversations about the ever-present chemical burdens we face so that we can all make informed decisions on how we live, now and in the future.


1. Read food labels. Artificial sweeteners, preservatives, nitrates, artificial colors, MSG… if it’s processed, it is likely to contain one or more of these ingredients. Sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate are preservatives that are sometimes added to sodas to prevent mold growth, but benzene is a known carcinogen. Butylated hydroxynaisole (BHA) is another preservative that is potentially cancer causing. If you can’t pronounce it, chances are you shouldn’t be eating it.

2. Purchase organic food whenever possible. Factor in the potential health costs of processed and conventionally grown (read: pesticide rich) foods and organic food doesn’t break the bank. In fact, eating organic food is possible even on a shoestring budget-we can eat out less, reduce meat and processed food consumption, buy in bulk and eat leftovers (Americans, on average, throw away about 23 pounds of perfectly edible food, per person, every month!). Personally, I’d rather put chemical free-foods on the table for peace of mind and fewer visits to the doctor’s office. As we vote for organic with our dollars, the fewer toxic chemicals will be found not only in our food, but in our air and drinking water. Using our purchasing power will also help organic make organic more widely accessible. Already, organic food in the fastest growing sector in agriculture.

3. Switch to non-toxic, biodegradable laundry and cleaning products. This is an easy way to create a safer, healthier home environment for you, your family and your pets. There are so many choices out there today, and they’re becoming more and more readily available at big box stores.

4. Transition to non-toxic personal care products. Public health allows almost any chemical as an ingredient in personal care products. Misleading and incomplete labeling of ingredients, as well as unsubstantiated claims, are also allowed. And our skin is our body’s largest organ!

Say no to triclocarbon, triclosan, parabens, retinol, PEGS, ceteareths, polyethelene… the list is long. If and ingredient isn’t familiar (or can’t be easily pronounced), it’s a good idea to look it up or simply avoid it.

5. Reuse, reduce, recycle. We’ve all heard this before, but it’s important not just for the Earth, but for our health. Our planet is inundated with plastic products and waste, which end up leaching into our soil and drinking water and even find their way into our oceans and lakes. In one way or another, as the top of the food chain, we’re going to end up ingesting it. Look for the products with less packaging, think twice about upgrading to a new phone; bring reusable bags to the grocery store. It can be that simple.   


Use the Rafflecopter Widget below (it will guide you), starting with the first (mandatory) entry method – Scroll down and Leave a comment that shares your answer to the following: 

QUESTION: What is one action that YOU do regularly to help the environment?

After that, you can complete social actions for additional, completely optional entries. Please Note: By entering giveaways on The Rock Father, you agree to comply with my fairness policy.


http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b00639174/” rel=”nofollow”>a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Fine Print: 

Promotion open to residents of the U.S. only, ages 18+, void where prohibited. Winner will be chosen on, about, or after June 15, 2014, and will be notified via email to obtain their shipping address. If no response within 24 hours, an alternate winner will be chosen. Prize will be provided and shipped by The Disinformation Company.

1980s-style Disclaimer: Many will enter, few will win! Please allow 8-12 weeks for delivery of prizing (seriously, probably not that long), The Rock Father is not responsible for any lost or misdirected packages. In the rare occasion that a prize does not arrive (which, sadly, has happened), you have no remedy other than moving on.

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