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Author: James Zahn

Rock Father Adventure: Shopping in a world of WONDER!

Note: Just five days after posting this article, WONDER! abruptly closed without warning. Read my follow-up post here.Last Monday, after a family trip to...

[Closed] Contest: VAN HALEN “Tattoo” Guitar Cover Contest and Merch Giveaway!

For all the Rock Fathers and Rock Moms out there, we've got something special just for you. If you think you can shred on...

The 54th Annual GRAMMY Awards – The Children’s Version…

The 54th Annual Grammy Awards have just concluded on CBS, and I'm one of the camp that views the Grammys as a celebration of...

The Random Rock: Updates on over 30 Bands and Artists for February 12, 2012

If you enjoyed The Random Rock columns when I was doing them for Kik Axe Music, then you'll be pleased to know that they'll...

STAR WARS – Teaching the Force THE ROCK FATHER™ Way…

Posted February 10, 2012: As I'm sure you're already aware, STAR WARS EPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE is back in theaters as of today, newly...

Review: ROCKABYE BABY! Lullaby Renditions of DEPECHE MODE

When I became a new parent for the first time 2 ½ years ago this week, one thing lacking for our newborn daughter was a...

Modern Retro: BIG TRAK returns as the bigtrack XTR

I was one of a great many kids that had and loved BIG TRAK back in the early 1980's. Released in 1979 by Milton-Bradley...

Hey Kids! Would you like to sing like LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe?

Presidential Candidate Randy Blythe of the band LAMB OF GOD has a pretty distinct vocal sound, and if you'd like to sound like him...


LADY GAGA has announced a spring tour dubbed THE BORN THIS WAY BALL. The five-time Grammy Award winner will perform music from her recent...

Watch: Humpty Dumpty Plays Bass and Falls Off the Wall

I learned something last night - my wife doesn't like Humpty Dumpty. She said she doesn't like anything about it, starting with the classic...

RIFF ROCKIT to “Rock the Cure” for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

RIFF ROCKIT released his self-titled debut album last month, bestowing his conceptual form of ''kindie rock'' upon the little ones far and wide. As...

Deal: Free LEGO CITY Poster from the LEGO Shop…

The official LEGO Shop just sent details on a new promotion for February. They're offering a FREE LEGO CiTY Poster with any LEGO Shop purchase...

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