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The Random Rock

The Random Rock N More: Updates on over 40 Bands and Artists for May 31, 2012

Here we are with another installment of The Random Rock N' More, the column where the Music for Grownups section takes a place...

The Random Rock N More: Updates on 40 Bands and Artists

Keeping busy on Baby Watch 2012, I've been behind on the music news. Since the publicists and artists have been looking for coverage, I'm...

The Random Rock N’ More: Weekend Edition (Updates on 40+ Bands & Artists)

It's time for a weekend edition of The Random Rock N' More, the column where the ''...for Grown-ups'' section infiltrates the normally family-friendly homepage...

The Random Rock N’ More: Updates on over 25 Bands for May 7, 2012

It's time for another installment of The Random Rock N' More - the column where the ''...For Grown-ups'' section of The Rock Father get's...

Random Rock N’ More – Updates on over 50 bands for May 5, 2012!

So much rock. So little time. I cover 'Music for Kids' and 'Music for Grown-ups' here on The Rock Father™, and since so much...

The Random Rock N’ More: Updates on 25 Bands & Artists for Tuesday, April 10

It's only Tuesday, yet still a fair amount of music news has been hitting my inbox here at Rock Father HQ. While I can't...

The Random Rock N’ More: Updates on 45 Bands & Artists for Saturday April 7, 2012

It's been a busy week for The Rock Father™, hence my keeping up with all the music news hitting my inbox has been slower...

The Random Rock N’ More: Updates on Over 40 Bands and Artists for Wednesday 3/28/12

It's the middle of the week and the music news is flowing. While The Rock Father™ is all about entertainment for the kids, there's...

The Random Rock N’ More: Updates on 40 Bands & Artists for March 21, 2012

So much rock, so little time. If you're only popping into The Rock Father™ for these rapid-fire updates, be sure to check out the...

The Random Rock N’ More: Updates on 31 Bands & Artists for March 15, 2012

It's been a little while since I've done a Random Rock column, so we're more than overdue. The drill is simple - I offer...

The Random Rock: Updates on over 30 Bands and Artists for February 12, 2012

If you enjoyed The Random Rock columns when I was doing them for Kik Axe Music, then you'll be pleased to know that they'll...

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