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Rock Father: Unleashed

Introducing the iPotty – but do kids really need an iPad-enabled Potty Training Seat?

It's no secret that kids are getting into gadgets and tech at a super young age these days, and while toymakers are rapidly moving...

FiXT partners with 50 Artists to benefit Sandy Hook School Support Fund #ToNewtownWithLove

While I've already shared my thoughts on the terrible tragedy that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, last month, there hasn't been...

Six Christmases: It’s 2013 and Christmas isn’t over yet…

We're officially one week into the New Year, but Christmas isn't quite finished. My Mom had mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I...

New Game: Is it a “TRAIN song or MOMMY BLOG?”

I'm not familiar with this guy Billy Eichner and his series, BILLY ON THE STREET... but tonight he caught my attention. Funny or Die...

Ready to Form VOLTRON! Dad Bloggers unite to kick off 2013…

Whether you'd like to call them "Dad Bloggers," "Daddy Bloggers," or just "Bloggers that happen to be Dads," there's a lot more men jumping...

The Rock Father’s Greatest Hits of 2012

Ahhh.... the customary "year-in-review..." post  is here. I'll just come right out and say it: 2012 was a good year for me, and it started...

Holiday Free Download: Fitz and The Tantrums – “Santa Stole My Lady”

We all know that Santa Claus is a giving fellow, but few know that he has a different side... one where he takes more...

Sandy Hook Elementary School…

This has been a difficult post to sit down and write. For the past two days, I've been conflicted on exactly what to say,...

Back in the News Again: Gender-Neutral Toys… The Debate Rages…

I have been working on this blog entry since November 25. Over the past few weeks, I've gone back and forth on it, updating,...

Bloggers: The words “review” and “giveaway” should NEVER be used together…

Ever since I started doing The Rock Father as my full-time web presence, I've noticed a few things in the blogosphere that bug the...

Video: Childproofing? Not in our house… 3-Year-Old Circumvents Childproofing measures…

Think your house is Childproof just because you spent a ton of money on Childproofing/Babyproofing products that you installed correctly? Well, here at Rock...

Get Social with The Rock Father… Like, Follow, Subscribe, Connect…

It's been awhile since I've posted anything purely self-promotional, so I guess we're overdue for a plug for The Rock Father on the different...

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