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Rock Father: Unleashed

Like Great-Grandfather, Like Great-Grandson: How Folgers Coffee Opened a Door to 1931…

I was named after both of my Great Grandfathers on my Fathers side. "James" comes from the middle name of John J. Magoon, a...

Super Bowl XLVIII: A Pre-Game Post from a Non-Fan of Football and the NFL…

Note: My wife told me last night that she'd prefer I not post this... my annual anti-Super Bowl post. But since it was already...

The Rock Father presents The Most EPIC Sledding Video Ever!

Throughout the course of internet history, there have been many videos that feature "Extreme" sports of the winter variety. Skiing, snowboarding, bobsledding, and even...

The DEVIL’S DUE Demon Baby has arrived to terrify you all…

Ah yes, the traditional "evil baby" movie of the year is upon us. Like ROSEMARY'S BABY, THE OMEN, IT'S ALIVE, ORPHAN and countless others...

First Music Class with Little Finley… and Have You Heard the DAD METAL?

I will start by asking you the same question that I've been asked several times so far today: "Have you seen DAD METAL?" (or,...

Sprout Kindness Crew: Learning & Growing – Resetting and Refocusing to Teach Kids Kindness in the New Year

Originally Posted at SproutOnline on 01/01/2014. Rescued via Internet Archive on 10/26/2015 I've never been one to put much stock into "New Year's Resolutions," as...

Watch – Christmas 1983: The 30th Anniversary Special Edition!

The most retro-awesome Christmas video you'll see this year! For Christmas 2013, this very special footage has been unearthed to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of...

Rock Father Adventure: Addie’s First Visit to American Girl Place…

It was sort of surreal, but on a Friday night back in July, I stood inside American Girl Place on Michigan Avenue in Chicago,...

Family Tradition: Meeting with Santa at Macy’s on State Street…

Earlier tonight, while having dinner at Infields beneath Macy's on State Street in Chicago, my brother-in-law's girlfriend asked me about my family, and if...

Sprout Kindness Crew: Learning & Growing – Being Kind to Animals

Originally Posted at SproutOnline on 12/05/2013. Rescued via Internet Archive 10/26/2015 As a parent, it’s fascinating to see my daughters learning their place in the...

When I First Found Out that I’d Be a Dad… and Some Thoughts on Cord Blood Banking…

It was five years ago yesterday that I found out that I would soon become a parent for the very first time. My wife...

I’m very disappointed in GoldieBlox, and here’s why…

UPDATE: 11/24 10:40pm - I changed the title of this developing story after a representative for The Beastie Boys made a statement to the Huffington...

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