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Rock Father Rides

Giveaway: The Hot Wheels Camouflage Series Complete Set!

Have you seen these? Perhaps you haven't been looking hard enough, or perhaps their natural cloaking is just that good. Whatever the reason, The...

Hot Wheels Stars & Stripes Collection Hits the Streets…

Each year, the folks at Mattel release numerous special edition Hot Wheels collections, many of which land as retailer exclusives. A good majority of...

Rides: ANA’s STAR WARS BB-8 Boeing 777-300 arrives in the U.S.

With the in-home release of STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS fast-approaching, the inaugural flights of ANA's BB-8 Boeing 777-300 took place this week. After...

Rides: Pennzoil Platinum – From NASCAR to your Car…

This edition of Rock Father Rides is brought to you by Collective Bias and #Pennzoil... When you're a daily driver like me, chances are you're...


We have a sizable fleet of radio-controlled vehicles here at Rock Father HQ, and over the past few weeks it's become quite apparent that...

Batman v Superman Week: Dawn of Justice Hot Wheels Giveaway!

With BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE bringing forth an epic battle between "Son of Krypton" and "Bat of Gotham," we know that the...

Batman v Superman Week: Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s Batman vs Jimmie Johnson’s Superman

It's BATMAN v SUPERMAN Week here on THE ROCK FATHER Magazine, and with Sunday being a day for NASCAR Racing, it's only appropriate that...

Spin Master brings forth the Ducati Monster 1200 S Meccano Set…

If you like motorcycles, toys and building things, then take a look at what Spin Master has just released as part of their Meccano...

The Great American Road Trip: 5 Essentials to Rock the Road in 2016

THE ROCK FATHER Magazine is a #ShellCrowd #FuelRewards Brand Ambassador, taking part in a special content series with SocialStars and Shell. The Great American Road Trip. It's a...

Preview: ROCKIN’ ROADSTERS featuring ZZ Top’s Billy Gibbons

As a kid growing up as part of the first MTV generation, one of my first elements of exposure to the world of hot...

Rides: Fuel Rewards and the “Little Things” that make Life Better…

THE ROCK FATHER Magazine is a #ShellCrowd #FuelRewards Brand Ambassador, taking part in a special content series with SocialStars and Shell. There's certain things you occasionally come across...

Go VR with James Bond’s Aston Martin inside Q’s Workshop

There are few car brands that I love as much as I do Aston Martin. While they're currently out of my price range, there...

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