38.3 F

Family Music

ALISON FAITH LEVY releases “World of Wonder”

Musicbot 6000 has another Press Release, this to inform that Alison Faith Levy has released a new family album to iTunes. Details below.Official Press...

RECESS MONKEY to release “In Tents” this June…

Some News has Arrived at Rock Father™ HQ, and with the family in bed right now (currently 2:30am), The Musicbot 6000 is sharing the...

Watch: Some Easter ‘Eggs’ from Gustafer Yellowgold…

If you missed my review of Gustafer Yellowgold's YEAR IN THE DAY earlier this week, hit this link to get caught up on why you and your little...

PHISH Phan? Lullaby Versions of Phish released…

You know, I'm not a big fan of Phish. While I think that Ben & Jerry's Phish Food is mighty tasty, and I played...

Watch: THE POP UPS release “Box of Crayons” Music Video (and it’s good!)

Brooklyn-based Children's Musicians THE POP UPS have released a very cool music video for their new single Box of Crayons. The song comes from...

HOPE HARRIS to release “Picasso, That’s Who! (And So Can You!)” this May…

The Rock Father™ has just learned that Parents’ Choice® Silver Honor Award-winner HOPE HARRIS will release ''a lively new adventure into the world of art''...

Ground Control to Major Tom: DAVID BOWIE lullaby collection blasts off…

Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star just hit The Rock Father™ with news that their 64th collection of ''lullabies for all ages'' is now available,...

THE SMITHS lullabies getting a Vinyl Release, plus SUPER MORRISSEY BROS.

I've posted an unusually large number of stories focused on the music of THE SMITHS this month, that it almost seems like overkill. No,...

Need to relax? Lullaby Versions of JASON MRAZ might be ”The Remedy”

Updated 3/20/12 - An attorney and a member of Jason Mraz' management team contacted me about this album tonight, wrongfully accusing me of distributing...

Free Download: LEGO DUPLO JAMS – Music to Build to…

Last year, LEGO duplo released a series of 11 songs under the LEGO DUPLO JAMS banner. Inspired by British Pop and performed by a...

THE SMITHS get the Lullaby Treatment from Rockabye Baby!

I'm curious what Morrissey thinks of this, if only because Morrissey is an interesting and often-polarizing guy: THE SMITHS are the latest band to...

Watch: WEEZER – “All My Friends Are Insects” from Yo Gabba Gabba!

Yo Gabba Gabba! has recently been posting some new videos online from some past episodes, and this one is too good not to share...

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