39.1 F

Food and Drink

A Grown-ups Night Out at The Craftsman by Two Brothers (Naperville/Chicago)

Living in the suburbs of Chicago for most of my life (and making a slingshot from far south to far north), I'm still occasionally...

Question: Does Your Phone Get Fondled More Than You Do?

A baby food company wants you to get it on. Indeed, more of that can equal more mouths to feed in the long run,...

Life Hack: Bonding with Children and Maximizing Time

Presented in partnership with Life of Dad and Cheerios... My wife and I talk about it often - time (specifically, lack thereof) being a big...

What is a “Compassionate Meal?” Harley Quinn & Kevin Smith Explain…

I have always been an unapologetic meat-eater. I've heard all sides of the debate for and against, and I choose to remain carnivorous in...

When the Steakhouse is your Home: Hail to the King… of Soup

THE ROCK FATHER™ has partnered with Life of Dad and Idahoan® Foods for this promotion. Is he the #KingOfSoup? That’s for you to decide… I...

Cooking-Up Memories with Pampered Chef Kids…

This Rock Father Kitchen feature has been brought to you in partnership with Pampered Chef.  As we close the book on 2016 and enter 2017,...

The Simplest Peppermint Mocha Recipe to Make at Home (and more)!

THE ROCK FATHER is a Folgers Preferred Partner... When it comes to seasonal beverages, fall and winter tend to be my favorites, and coffee leads the charge....

A BreakFEAST for the Ho-Ho-Holidays…

Brought to you by Hungry Jack. THE ROCK FATHER is a proud Hungry Jack  Brand Ambassador. Now that my favorite season is behind us (see...

Coffee & Rock: The Perfect Measures for Holiday Gatherings…

THE ROCK FATHER is a Folgers Preferred Partner... It's beginning to look a lot like... well, not quite either, but sort of an odd mix...

Hi-C Ecto Cooler is Dead Again…

Just yesterday, I restocked my NewAir office fridge with some staple beverages from the 1990s and now. Surge, Crystal Pepsi, and Hi-C Ecto Cooler...

31 Days of Halloween: Brookfield Zoo – Boo! at the Zoo

As we head into the last weekend before Halloween, families in the Chicago area that are looking for some not-so-scary, but definitely fun-filled adventure...

Coffee & Rock: Folgers Coffeehouse Blend

THE ROCK FATHER is a Folgers Preferred Partner... During my adventures in rock, there have been some "coffeehouse" eras - two in particular that really...

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