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Review: MEGA BLOKS Hot Wheels Turbo Tubes Assortment 2!

It's hard to believe, but it was over a year ago already that MEGA BLOKS announced a partnership with MATTEL to create a series...

TEAM HOT WHEELS races onto Netflix (and into the toy aisle!) #NetflixKids

Last month, a mysterious new program appeared parked in the virtual garage over at Netflix. TEAM HOT WHEELS appeared for viewing, but what exactly...

Film Review: NEED FOR SPEED (DreamWorks)

Exhilarating, yet at times, unsettling, DreamWorks' NEED FOR SPEED races into theaters this weekend, the latest videogame to make the transition from console to...

Toy Fair 14: PLAYMOBIL Racers among massive 40th Anniversary Product Line…

I realized something this afternoon as I browsed the press releases coming in from Toy Fair 2014: I never owned any PLAYMOBIL toys. None...

Rides: The 2014 Chicago Auto Show – The Rock Father Report #FuelCAS

The 2014 Chicago Auto Show opened it's doors to the public this weekend (running through February 17th), but on Friday, The Rock Father participated...

Review: MONSTER JAM Live at Allstate Arena (Addie’s First Jam!)

Raising a pair of vehicularly-inclined daughters, I tend to find myself in a position to rekindle some of my own childhood interests. Toy cars,...

Rides: Coverage of The 2014 CHICAGO AUTO SHOW #RockFatherTour #FuelCAS

On Friday, February 7, 2014, I'll be heading down to McCormick Place in Chicago to bring you my first-ever coverage of the CHICAGO AUTO...

Review: MEGA BLOKS Barbie Build ‘N Play Luxe Camper

In the year or so since MEGA BLOKS began issuing building sets based on licenses from fellow toymaker, MATTEL, we've seen a lot of...

Rides: NEED FOR SPEED races into the Big Game with a new spot, and extended look…

I've played a few NEED FOR SPEED games over the years, so the prospect of a big-screen version has always been intriguing, yet puzzling...

Chicago Friends: MONSTER JAM is Coming to Allstate Arena…

This February, some "Monster" action is headed for Chicagoland when Feld Motorsports brings MONSTER JAM to the Allstate Arena in Rosemont. These roaring, 10,000...


In our casual collecting of HOT WHEELS here at Rock Father HQ, we sort of have two ways that we go with it. The...

Throwback Thursday: My DUKES OF HAZZARD Power Cycle by Coleco (1981) #tbt

So here's an oddity: Two posts involving THE DUKES OF HAZZARD (here's the first one) here on The Rock Father... not only in the...

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