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Rock Father: Unleashed

Sometimes Daddy Needs to Shoot Pixels…CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS 2

I'm always hesitant to cover games here at The Rock Father, but that's one of the luxuries of having a '...For Grownups' section on...

Rock Father Adventure: The Mattel Toy Store – Wilmot, WI

This past Friday, the little one and I took a little road trip to Wilmot, Wisconsin. About 30 minutes from Rock Father HQ in...

Watch: 11 Year Old rips it up with some BLACK LABEL SOCIETY

Over on YouTube there's a channel where you can find an 11 year-old boy named KOBZEV MAKSIM (aka Maksim Kobzev) shredding away on dozens...

Watch this Rock Father do ‘BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY’ with his kids… WAYNE’S WORLD style…

I tried watching this earlier and couldn't. Too many people watching the mighty rock that the video was crashed. But now it's after 10...

Watch & Groove: B.T. EXPRESS – “Express”

I've discovered that my daughter shares an affection for funk. Despite this site being called The Rock Father,™ you can't be ''all rock, all...

A STAR WARS sing-along? Watch HOT PROBLEMS’ “Party With My Friends”

This is kind of bizarre, but my toddler loves it... and I do mean, LOVES it. HOT PROBLEMS have released a video for Party...

Documentary on HE-MAN headed our way as TOY MASTERS…

Somewhere out there, I'm betting by collection of HE-MAN and THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE figures and vehicles still exists. Meticulously cared for and...

Report: RECORD STORE DAY 2012… a personal tale of record stores past

I miss record stores. There was a time when they were abundant, and I would visit many of them on a frequent basis. At...

Best News of the Day? THE AQUABATS! now have children’s clothing available…

Pack up the kids and hop in The BattleTram, because it's time for an adventure. In what seems like it should've been an obvious...

Work: FEAR FACTORY – THE INDUSTRIALIST Album Trailer (watch it now!)

People still ask me pretty frequently what exactly I do for a living. I work all the time, though some of my neighbors still...

Terrifying: The Kids Embrace DORA THE EXPLORER Car Seat…

My daughter isn't old enough to really get into DORA THE EXPLORER, and in this case I'm glad. Cruising past the baby department at...

The Great Baby Furniture Swindle: Buying a Crib is a Scam…

You've heard of The Great Rock N Roll Swindle? Well, let me tell you something - buying a crib in 2012 is like The...

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